Limiting emissions in to the air is both technically difficult and only air-cleaning mechanism available and not very efficient good air quality depend on pollution prevention and on limiting what is limited. The control air pollution can be realized in a number of ways.
Cyclone is a popular, economical and most effective device. It is used for controlling particulates. The contaminated air enters bottom of the cyclone-0ff center, a violent swirl of air is thus created in the cone and particles are accelerated centrifugally towards the wall. Friction at the wall slows the particles and the slide to the bottom ,where the can be collected, and clean air exits at the center of the top of the cone. Cyclones are reasonably efficient for large particle collection and widely used as the first stage of dust removal.
Fabric filters used for controlling particulate matter operate like a vacuum cleaner dirty gas is removed periodically when the bag is shaken. Fabric filters can be very efficient collectors for even sub micron sized particles and are widely used in industrial application.
Activated carbon is one of the most important form of air pollution control. This type involves the use of pollution filters, carbon, to reduce the ammount of pollutants that are allowed to escape in to the air. When in use ,these filters absorbed pollutants helping the cleanse the air of any possible toxins.
The two types of compounds involved in global climate change at those that produce free halogen atoms by photo chemical reactions. And thus depth the stratospheric layer of ozone, and those that absorb energy in the near infrared spectral region, that may ultimately produce global temperature change. The first group comprises mostly chlorofluro carbon emission involves control of leaks, as from refrigeration systems, and eliminating use of the substances ,as suggested by Montreal protocol.
activated carbon
CFCs aerosol propellants may be useful and convenient ,but they are no longer used for aerosol prepollents may be useful and convenient, but they are no longer used for aerosoldeodorant,cleaners,paint,hairspray ,etc. Roll on deodorant, wipe-on cleaners, brushed-on, rolled-on paints, atomized liquids and hair mousse have been found to do the job without affecting the ozone layer.
Plant and trees absorb and store carbon dioxide from the atmosphere, and filter out the air pollution. During warmer days cool air is provided by trees and plants avoid unnecessary use of air conditioner ,fan,etc..
Avoid using chemical pesticides and fertilizers in the garden and agriculture land. Many fertilizers are source of nitrousoxide,a green house gas the contribute global warming Try organic fertilizer's and pesticides instead of this chemical pesticides.
The central pollution control board (CPCB)indicates vehicles as one of the major source of air pollution. Natural gas is used in some cities to fuel fleets of car and some buses. But the limited supply of natural gas serves a number of competing uses. A complete changeover to natural gas would require a different refueling system from that used gas for gesoline.Electric cars are clean,but store only limited power and have limited range
Generation of the electricity to power such cars also generates pollution, and the world`s supply of battery materials would be strained to provided for a changeover.
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