Air pollution occurs due to the presence of undesirable solid or gaseous particles in the the atmosphere in such quantities that are harmful to human health , environment and other living things.
Our respiratory system has a number of mechanisms that help in protecting as from air pollution. Hairs in our nose filters large particles. The sticky mucous in the lining of the upper respiratory tracts captures smaller particles and dissolve some gaseous pollutants. When the upper respiratory system is irritated by pollutants sneezing and coughing expel contaminated air and mucus.Prolonged smoking or exposure to air pollutants can overload or break down these natural defense causing or contributing to diseases such as lung cancer, asthma,choronic bronchitis and emphysema.Elderlypeople,infants,pregnant women and people with heart disease, asthma or other respiratory diseases are affects to air pollution
Cigarette smoking is responsible for the largest exposure to carbon monoxide. That exposure to air containing even 0.001% of carbon monoxide for several hours can cause collapse, coma and even death.Carbon monoxide remains attached to hemoglobin(Hb) in blood for a long time, it can reduce the oxygen carrying capacity of blood.That can causes headache,drowsiness,dizziness and nausea and blurred vision.
Suspended particles aggravate bronchitis and asthma. Exposure to these particles over a long period of time damages lung tissue and contributes to the development of chronic respiratory disease and cancer.
Many volatile organic compounds such as benzene and formaldehyde and toxic particulates like lead and cadmium can cause mutation,reproductive problems and cancer.Inhealing ozone a component of photo chemical smog causes coughing,chest pain ,breathlessness and irritation of the eye,nose and throat.
Atmospheric changes induced by pollution contribute to global warming,this is caused due to the increase in concentration of certain gases like carbon dioxoide,nitrogen oxide and chloro Fluro carbons trap heat in the form of infra-red radiation near the earth surface. This is also called the Green house effects'. The glass in a green house allows solar radiation to earth which is absorbed by the objects radiation heat in the form of terrestrial radiation, which does not pass out through the glass. The heat is therefore trapped in the greenhouse increasing the temperature inside and ensuring the luxuriant growth of plants.
Some gaseous pollutants when enter leaf pores they damage the leaves of crop plants. Chronic exposure of the leaves to air pollutants can break down the waxy coating that helps prevent excessive water loss and leads to damage from disease,pest and frost. That exposure interferes with photosynthesis and reduce plant growth, reduce nutrient uptake and cause leaves turn to yellow and brown color.
Higher concentration of Sulphur dioxide majority of the flower buds become stiff and hard.The prolonged exposure to high levels of several air pollutants from smelters, coal burning power plants and industrial units as well as from car and trucks can damage trees and plants.
UV (Ultra Violet ) radiation affects the ability of plants to capture light energy during the process of photosynthesis. This reduces the nutrient content and the growth of plants. Plant and animal planktons are damaged by UV radiation.The breeding period of zooplanktons is shortened by radiation changes. As planktons form the basis of the marine food chain a change in their number and species composition influences fish and shell fish production.
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