Water pollution occurs when unwanted materials enter in to the water ,that causes changes the quality of water.It is harmful to the environment and affects human health. According to world health organization(WHO) 80% of diseases are water borne and 3.1% of deaths occurs due to the un-hygienic and poor quality of water.However safe drinking of water is necessary for human health all over the world.



Water borne diseases are caused by pathogenic microbes spread via contaminated water.Water borne disease including cholerae,Typhoied fever,Diarrhae,Ulcers,Hapatitis,Jaundice,Amoebiasis, malaria and Respiratory  tract infections. These diseases are very risk for lives of individuals are especially for humans ultimately leading to death.Water borne diseases can be spread while bathing,drinking water,washing or by eating food exposed to polluted water.Micro organisms that concern with water borne diseases are Salmonella sp.,Shigella sp.,E.coli and Vibrio cholera.


Water borne pathogens which are largely transmitted through the ingestion of water contaminated with feces or inorganic substances.Water can became contaminated at the source, during transport to the home, in storage containers, or through improper handling. Childrens are  generally more vulnerable to intestinal pathogens and it has been reported that about 1.1 millions of childrens are die every year due to diarrhoea diseases.


Some of the chemicals affecting human health. Presence of heavy metals in water which includes Fluoride,Arsenic,Lead,Cadmium,Mercury,Nitrates and Chlorinated solvents. These chemicals can causes serious threat in human health.

Arsenic is very toxic chemical that reach the water naturally of from waste water of tanneries,caramic industries. It is high dangerous for human health. Human ingestion of water polluted with arsenic can causes cancer of the lungs, liver and bladder.Fluoride containing water can affect teeth and weakening of bones.


Lead is contaminated in drinking water sources from pipes,fitting,solder and house hold plumbing system.In human beings exposure to lead can severely damage brain and kidneys and central nervous system.

Mercury is used in industries such as smelters, manufactures of batteries,pesticides,fungicides,etc.The best example of mercury pollution in the oceans 1938 when a Japanese factory discharged mercury in to Minamata Bay. In that time many local people had  eaten the fish around 2000 were affected and hundred's of people were left dead due to "Minamata disease". Because consumption of fish containing methyl mercury. Mercury can causes chromosomal aberrations and neurological damages to human beings.


Organic pollutants are huge range of toxicity. Organic pollutants that has been of great threat to aquatic organisms, plants and humans. Organic pollutants includes dyes, petroleum and human veterinary pharmaceuticals 


Dyes are water soluble chemicals that is used in many industries, such as textile,food,paper ,leather etc. The harmful dying process they pollute large number of water bodies and affect aquatic organism. Dyes are considered as carcinogenic and mutogenic,thus they are removal from waste water before disposal is very important.


Pharmaceuticals are chemicals used as curative of various diseases..The presence of pharmaceuticals in water is known to causes both acute and chronic toxicity on aquatic population. It can causes abnormal endocrine activities and increase the risk of cancer in human.



Some species of blue green algae containing toxic substance,produced bloom in water bodies.Blue green algae such as Anabaena flos-aquae,Aphanizomenon flos-aquae they produces anatoxin-a and aphantoxin which shows neurotoxin. Certain animals such as cow,horse,sheep,pig and duck can die after drinking water containing algae bloom.


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