
Showing posts from September, 2020


 World health organization as the introduction by man ,directly or indirectly of chemical substance or energy in to the marine enviroment,including estuaries, which causes harm to living resources and marine environment, hazards to human health, affecting to marine activities such as fishing and other important uses of the sea. Marine and costal degradation is caused by population growth, increasing urbanization, industrialization and tourism in costal areas are the root causes of this marine pollution.                                                              SEWAGE WASTES The greatest ammount of domestic,municipal wastes and sewage are discharged to the marine environment.Sewage sludge contains industrial wastes, House hold wastes ,municipal wastes and animal wastes and many other wastes. These wastes are generated...


 INTRODUCTION The word ocean is derived from the Greek "Okeanos" that means the great stream encircling the earth disc The global ocean covers 71% of the earth`s surface is covered by water.However ocean`s contain 97% of the earth`s water.They remaning 3% is found as water vapour in the atmosphere and water in rivers,glaciers,lakes and ice caps. Since the source of the majority of ocean pollution is land based.                                                Ocean pollution can be defined as the introduction of substances to the marine environment directly or indirectly by human activities, resulting in harmful effects such as hazardous to human health, obstruction of marine activities and lowering the quality of sea-water. MAJOR POLLUTANTS Ocean pollutants include persistent organic pollutants, endocrine disrupting chemicals, mercury compounds,pesticides,pharmaceu...


 Water pollution occurs when unwanted materials enter in to the water ,that causes changes the quality of water.It is harmful to the environment and affects human health. According to world health organization(WHO) 80% of diseases are water borne and 3.1% of deaths occurs due to the un-hygienic and poor quality of water.However safe drinking of water is necessary for human health all over the world.                                                             WATER BORNE DISEASES Water borne diseases are caused by pathogenic microbes spread via contaminated water.Water borne disease including cholerae,Typhoied fever,Diarrhae,Ulcers,Hapatitis,Jaundice,Amoebiasis, malaria and Respiratory  tract infections. These diseases are very risk for lives of individuals are especially for humans ultimately leading to death.Water borne diseases...


Pollution of ground water can result in poor drinking quality, loss of water supply and a much greater threat to human life comes from our ground water being polluted, which is used for drinking and irrigation. When ground water become contaminated it is high clean up costs and high costs for alternative water supplies. HEALTH PROBLEM Large number of micro-organisms and thousands of chemicals have the potential to contaminate ground water.Drinking polluted ground water containing bacteria, viruses and other microbes can result in illnesses which includes hepatitis and cholera.Methemo-Globine Mia (blue baby syndrome) an illness affecting infants. Can be caused by high polluted drinking water that is high in nitrates. Benzene a component of gasoline is a human carcinogen. The serious health effects which includes learning disabilities in children. Nerve,kidney,and liver problem and pregnancy risk in human can take excessive lead containing drinking water.         ...


 Lot of people around the world depend on ground water for drinking,domestic, industrial and agricultural purpose.Ground water is a clean source of water.Human activities such as improper sewage disposal,oil spill and agriculture chemicals, industrial wastes are causing pollution of ground-water.They ground water become contaminated, it is more difficult and expensive to clean up.                                                      SOURCES OF GROUND WATER POLLUTION Natural source Some substances found naturally in rocks or soil . Which includes    iron,manganese,arsenic,cholorides,fluorides,sulfates that can become dissolved in ground water.They naturally obtained particles, which includes decaying organic matter, can move in ground water as particles.Ground water pollution may causes health threat if consumed in large quantities, and the...


 DISEASES CAUSING PATHOGENS There are several classes of common water pollutants. These are disease -causing pathogens such as bacteria virus, protozoans and parasitic worms that are enter water from domestic sewage and human and animal waste .Human wastes contain concentrated population of coliform bacteria which includes Escherichia coli(E.coli) and strepto coccus species .These bacteria normally grown in the large intestine of humans where they are responsible for some food digestion and for the production on some vitaminK. These bacteria are not harmful in low numbers.Enormas ammount of human waste in water,increase the number of these bacteria which causes gastro - intestinal diseases.                                                     OXYGEN EXHAUST WASTES Oxygen exhaust wastes are organic wastes that can be degraded by aerobic bacteria (presence ...


 INTRODUCTION Water is the essential element that makes life on earth possible. With out water there would be no life .Although 71% of the earth`s surface is covered by water.However 97%  of the total water available on earth is found in ocean and is to salty for drinking or irrigation. The remaning 3%  is fresh water,of this 2.997% is locked bin ice caps or glaciers. Thus remaning only 0.003%  of total volume of water is easily available to as ground water,water vapour, soil mixture and water in lakes, streams and river.                               We use water for washing cloths,bathing,etc.This means that we are adding some materials to the water,which spoil its quality ,smell and colour of the water is also changed. POLLUTANTS Harmful substance such as sewage ,toxic chemicals and silt,etc.That are mixed with water ,the water become polluted .The substance that pollute water are called po...


 Limiting emissions in to the air is both technically difficult and only air-cleaning mechanism available and not very efficient good air quality depend on pollution prevention and on limiting what is limited. The control air pollution can be realized in a number of ways. CYCLONES Cyclone is a popular, economical and  most effective device. It is used for  controlling particulates. The contaminated air enters bottom of the cyclone-0ff center, a violent swirl of air is thus created in the cone and particles are accelerated centrifugally towards the wall. Friction at the wall slows the particles and the slide to the bottom ,where the can be collected, and clean air exits at the center of the top of the cone. Cyclones are reasonably efficient for large particle collection and widely used as the first stage of dust removal.                                             ...


 Air pollution occurs due to the presence of undesirable solid or gaseous particles in the the atmosphere in such quantities that are harmful to human health , environment and other living things.                                                           EFFECTS OF AIR POLLUTION  ON LIVING ORGANISMS Our respiratory system has a number of mechanisms that help in protecting as from air pollution. Hairs in our nose filters large particles. The sticky mucous in the lining of the upper respiratory tracts captures smaller particles and dissolve some gaseous pollutants. When the upper respiratory system is irritated by pollutants sneezing and coughing expel contaminated air and mucus.Prolonged smoking or exposure to air pollutants can overload or break down these natural defense causing or contributing to diseases such as lung cancer, asthma...


  DEFINITION Air pollution occurs due to the presence of undesirable solid or gaseous particles in the air in quantities that are harmful to human health and the environment. Air may get polluted by natural causes such as valcanoes,which release ash ,dust, Sulphur and other gases, or by forest fires that are occasionally naturally caused by lightning,However,unlike pollutants from human activities ,naturally occuring pollutants tend to remain in the atmosphere for a short time and do not lead to permanent atmospheric change.                                                        TYPES OF POLLUTANTS Primary pollutants Pollutants that are emitted directly from identifiable sources are produced by natural events such as dust storms and volcanic eruptions, and human activities such as emission from vehicles, industries, pesticides etc...these are c...


 DEFINATION OF POLLUTION Pollution is the effect of undesirable changes in our environment that have harmful effects on plants, animals and human beings. This  occurs when only short term economic gains are made at the cost of the long term ecological benefits for humanity. Natural phenomenon don't led to generate ecological changes that have been made by human beings. We have contaminated our air,water and land on which life itself depends with a verity of waste products.                                                 POLLUTANTS  Pollution is the effect of undesirable changes in our environment that have harmful effects on plants, animals and human beings. This  occurs when only short term economic gains are made at the cost of the long term ecological benefits for human beings. Natural phenomenon don't led to generate ecological changes that have...